Black bird

Black bird
tenth favorite pokemon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Alright guys i know it's been months but I am here to discuss what Pokemon tiers are. There are 6 tiers that are used in the Pokemon competative play. UBER the highest tier usually legendary Pokemon sometimes a few really strong regular Pokemon OU or Overused contains the really strong Pokemon and a few of the other legendaries like mew most played tier as well UU or Underused these are pokemon that are a above average and average pokemon this is a fan favorite tier. RU or rarelyused this tier is for below average to weak Pokemon NU or Neverused this tier is for weak to terrible Pokemon it also contains Pokemon that are halfway evolved Pokemon these Pokemon are also in ru LC or little cup this tier is for Pokemon that are babies like 1st evolution example mudkip Now I know that there is BL or Borderline but that is technically not a tier is it in between so it does not count. The tiers are based on power and usage so let's take lugia,gengar,empopleon, magmortar,and samurott Lugia is uber gengar is ou Empoleon is Uu Magmortar is Ru Samurott is Nu i did not include lc because i do not play it Each one of them is strong for their tier but people tend to use the fast and stronger ones like gengar samurott and magmortar are slower so they tend not to be used they are all strong but lugia is the strongest and can be used for multiple purposes similar to empoleon so tiers are mostly based on power and what they can do

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