Black bird

Black bird
tenth favorite pokemon

Sunday, June 12, 2011

pokemon of the day Kladeo

Why i picked this pokemon to be the pokemon of the day It is very cute and cool it is impossible to get for now. Kaldeo is water and fight it is weak to psychic, flying, grass, and electric. it is a very cool fighting type it is a legendary. It has a lot of sp attack. I do not know anyone with a kaldeo so i do not know what it does in battle so you might want to go to for that

Monday, May 2, 2011

the pokemon of the day is skarmory

Why i picked this pokemon I caught a skarmory recently in my pokemon platinium
then i trained all the way to level 67 in one day and i thought it was powerful so it deserved a pokemon of the day.

Skarmory is a steel/flying type it is weak aganast electric and fire. It is one of the best flying types it cannot evolve but is still extremely powerful. It has a lot of defense and and is pretty good in attack. It is a very good wall because it has about 406 defense when it is level 100. Plus it is also a good mixed pokemon i have a Skarmory at level 69. it knows night slash
steel wing, fly and slash so it is the perfect mixed Skarmory

Monday, April 11, 2011

I am here to tell you about my pokemon team in black and white

excadrill level 61 zekrom level 65 Garchomp level 80 Hydregon level 72 Haxorus level 65 Braviary level 65

rock/ground electric/dragon ground/dragon dark/dragon dragon normal/flying

earthquake Fusion bolt fire fang Crunch x scissor crush claw

drill run zen headbutt crunch dragon pulse dragon claw fly

rock slide slash earthquake dragon rush earthquake brave bird

metal claw dragon claw dragon claw surf dragon dance air slash
the pokemon of the day is samurott

Samurott is a water type so it is weak aganist grass and electric types. But it is strong aganist rock, ground and fire. It is a very cool pokemon it can learn megahorn and hydro pump. Samurott is slow so it will work for a trickroom team. It can learn night slash and air slash as egg moves. I have two samurott one is level 56 and the other is level 66. I got from juniper in the begining from juniper and the other i hatched from an egg when i put my samurott and ditto in the daycare by striaton city.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

the pokemon of the day is rufflet

rufflet is a flying and normal type it is weak aganist electric, ice and rock. It is very good espailly when it evolves into braviary. It can learn rock slide. It is good for a power house team because it can take a lot of hits that most flying types cannot. Plus that flying type speed puts it at an advantage. I have a braviary at level 65. I got mine on route 10 outside of Oplecid city.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the pokemon of the day is shaymin

shaymin is a grass type who is weak to bug, poison, fire, flying, and ice. It is extrodanaraly powerful. It can learn seed flare and earth power. It has god defenses. I use it for my growth of justice team. I have one at level 100. I got mine through the platinum event it happened in 2009 and that has been they only one so they are a rare pokemon.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

the pokemon of the day is Haxorus

Haxorus is a dragon type. It evolve from fraxure and axew. It can learn dragon dance naturally. It is weak to dragon and ice. It has a lot of speed and attack. it is good for a speed team. My Haxorus is level 63 and knows

Dragon claw=80 damage

x scissor = 80 damage

dragon dance= raises speed and attack

earthquake= 100 damage

you can find axew his pre evalution mistralton cave

Monday, February 21, 2011

the pokemon of the day is vaporeon

Vaporeon is the evolved form of Evee. It is a water type. Who can learn heal bell. It is weak to grass and electric. Vaporeon has a lot of sp defense, sp attack and hp. This pokemon is good for a trickroom and surf team. My Vaporeon knows surf ice beam shadow ball and muddy water. Mine is level 100. You can get vaporeon by using a water stone on an evee

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The pokemon of the day is charizard

Charizard is a fire and flying pokemon. He is one of the only flying pokemon that can learn earthquake. He is weak to electric, rock and water. Charizard has a lot of sp attack and speed. So you do not want to be caught in a trickroom. This pokemon can work well with a high defense blastoise. I have one it is a level 94. My charizard knows air slash heat wave blast burn and dragon pulse. I got mine from my fire red (level 82.) But you can also get it in heartgold and soulsilver. By talking to oak in his lab and you can choose a kanto starter.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

the pokemon of the day is gyarados

Gyarados is a water flying and water type like wingull. Gyaragos is weak to electric and most people do not know this but also rock. Gyarados is a powerful pokemon and is a good surf team pokemon and is taught waterfall, bite, rain dance and ice beam. I have one it is a level 96. I got mine at Lake Variety with the super rod.

Monday, February 14, 2011

my top 3 pokemon and why.

1. Tyranitar
Has a lot of attack and defense. Put a quick claw and it is amazing. Has a variety of attacks. I also like the design of the pokemon because he looks like a dinosaur. He is also my favorite color (green.) it is also hard to find.

2. Latios
I like latios for it's attack and sp attack. It is fast. It can learn draco meteor. The pokemon is rare and starred in one of the movies. It also works with my team because my team is an earthquake team.

3. Magmortar

magmortar has a lot of sp attack. It can learn earthquake and psychic. Most fire types cannot learn psychic. It is hard to find.
pokemon of the day is Creselia

creselia is a pschcic legendary from the sinnoh region. She is a good defense and normally is taught ice beam psychic a healing move and a move that can raise stat like calm mind. It is very powerful. I do not have one myself so this is based on my friends creselia. It can be caught in DP and Platinuim. How? first you go to fullmoon island then you will find creselia at lvl 50 but it will run from you